25 Oct 2016

Part-Time Customer Service Representative

Eden B. FerraterAnywhere

NOTE: This job listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Job Description

I have been dealing with customers on a daily basis, I always make sure to stay patient when they come to me stumped and frustrated, but also I make sure to take the time to truly figure out what they want — they’d rather get competent service than be rushed out the door. I also have the ability to really listen to customers is so crucial for providing great service for a number of reasons. I also make sure I am getting to the problem at hand quickly; customers don’t need a life story or to hear about how your day is going. More importantly, I am very cautious about how some of my communication habits translate to customers, and it’s best to err on the side of caution whenever i find myself questioning a situation. I also make sure that I am knowledgeable about the products. Sometimes I come across people that I am not able to make happy so what I did is I always try to speak to them joyfully and happy. I always make sure that I have a Time Management Skills. And most importantly is that I have a strong Willingness to Learn.

Regarding with the salary I am very negotiable with that as long as it is fair enough to the both of us.

How to Apply

You can email me anytime at jevb_25@yahoo.com or skype me at jean.eden0212. Will wait for your response. I am very hardworking person. I will never fail you.

Eden B. Ferrater

Job Categories: Service. Job Types: Part-Time. Salary: Less than 20,000.

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